[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LH7UoDL0ZE?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=640&h=360]

Ridiculous Challenges Ramp Battle!

Awesome new challenge between the channel crew that had the three riders pick five ridiculous challenges each would be used in the game. As each rider had to randomly choose […]

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCSmN6XjeA?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=640&h=360]

Crazy New Ramps At Swampfest!

Crazy new ramps were built for this year’s Swampfest BMX event and we got to be the first people to ride them! Big Boy did the first Flair Challenge and […]

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